Saturday 2 May 2015

Importance of May 3

Importance of  May 3

3 May is a day infused with commitment, action, unity, gratitude,hope,victory,fresh departure, and new progress. Each May3 is a day when we strengthen  and deepen our commitment to kosenrufu more than the year before ( Ikeda, 2013).
     As an ardent supporter and admirer of Dr Ikeda and all his efforts to promote world peace, human welfare through individual happiness and enhance human capabilities for a new humanity and Human Revolution, I would like to meditate on this day  on the above statement of Dr Daisaku Ikeda on the significance of May3.
    To millions of members of Soka Gakkai  around the globe and their supporters and admirers and those who cherish values and attitudes that promote peace and harmony, May 3 represents a glorious sign-post.

It is the SGI Day.
It is also Soka Gakkai's “Mothers Day”. 
    Irrespective of the fact whether one is a member of Soka Gakkai or not humanity is beholden to Josei Toda, the courageous  second President and SGI President Ikeda for the resolute leadership they have provided to humanity particularly to educate it  on the evil of war and the need to develop positive attitudes and awaken the  Buddha in each of us for common good. These two matchless pioneers eloquently represent the Gandhian assertion
"Be the change you want to see in the world”.
    Let us salute these two- the mentor and disciple- and declare humanity's profound indebtedness to the immeasurable gratitude it owes to these two great pioneers of Human Revolution.
    The torch of revolution and change the mentor passed on to the disciple would burn brighter only when the light spreads to more areas and enters the heart and minds of more and more people. This is exactly what happened when President Toda passed on the Soka torch to the inspired, energetic and visionary young  Daisaku Ikeda in 1960,May 3.
    The message of May 3 is very loud and clear as President Ikeda pointed out on numerous occasions. At one level it is an occasion to rejoice on the glory of the spirit and tradition of Mentor-Disciple while at another level one is inspired to rededicate oneself to the Five Eternal Guidelines of  Faith  specified by President Toda and Dr Ikeda:

  • Faith for a harmonious family
  • Faith for each person to become happy
  • Faith for surmounting obstacles
  • Faith for health and long life, and
  • Faith for absolute victory.
    The glory and importance of May 3 is fortified further when one remembers that it is also the  Soka Gakkai's “ Mothers Day”.What a thoughtful resolve and tradition!
    It is again  Dr Ikeda's words that come to my mind at this juncture: “SGI owes everything  to the efforts of women. Male leaders in particular should never forget that the women are the foundation of the organization. Organizations that demean or disrespect women will not be able to continue flourishing.”
    This year's May 3 has a special message to those who are part of the soka movement for human Revolution and global peace and harmony. The year 2015 marks the 55th anniversary of President Ikeda's inauguration. It is the 55th year of the handing over of the baton of kosenrufu and human welfare by the great mentor to his dependable disciple in whose hands the baton acquired global visibility for a brave new world signifying the emergence of committed promoters of world peace and harmony and Namyo-ho-renge kyo acquiring a uniting chant of sustainable peace.
    I salute  again all the valiant members and leaders of the Soka Gakkai family all over the world on this glorious day in the year of Dynamic Development in the new era of worldwide kosenrufu.

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