26th January is the founding day of Soka Gakkai International. Over the years since its inception at Guam Island at which over 50 countries were represented at the launching function of SGI, this organization heralded an important land mark in global peace movement. That the Guam Island's proximity to Tinian island from where USA launched the atomic weapons which virtually decimated and inflicted incalculable damage to millions of people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki besides ravaging precious environmental heritage is a grim reminder to humanity on what is in store unless these diabolical weapons of mass destruction are banned and totally given up. It was in the fitness of things that Dr.Ikeda launched, perhaps one of the most imaginative and authentic peace mission's for human revolution leading to 'Kosen rufu in 1975 on January 26 from Guam is also a symbolic measure, reminding UNESCO's assertion that “Since wars begin in the minds of men the defenses of peace are to be constructed there itself.”
The Charter Soka Gakkai International adopted during the Silver Jubilee of its founding is an important landmark in man's efforts to live in peace and justice. Three important tenets such as world citizenship, the spirit of tolerance, and respect for human rights require the urgent attention of all those who are worried about the fate of this globe and human being were identified as major thrust areas in the charter. Taking into account the aspirations of the present-day mankind and the prevailing anxieties and other general scenario it is hoped that these three tenets will constitute the essential conditions and offer necessary impetus to the emergence of a World Religion.
What is needed now is an united struggle to safeguard human dignity. It is a fact that never before in human history has anyone noticed as much human rights violation as we see all over now. The SGI rightly identified the following three principles among the most important guidelines for future activities:
(i) SGI, based on the ideal of world citizenship, shall safeguard fundamental human rights and not discriminate against any individual on any grounds;
(ii) SGI shall respect and project the freedom of religion and religious expression;
(iii) SGI shall be based on the Buddhist spirit of tolerance, respect other religious, engage in dialogue and work together with them toward the resolution of fundamental issues concerning humanity
(iv) The commitment of SGI to adhere at any cost to the core value and basic tenets of Nichiren Buddhism also shows its remarkable awareness of the importance of making religion a living force.
The SGI and the millions of members who chant with devotion, determination and dedication in over 192 countries seem to have realized that this will be possible only by releasing religion from orthodoxy.
Only through pursuing socially beneficial activities can a movement enhance peace, culture and education.
Dr Ikeda is emphatic that only those means will help to strengthen the fabric of solidarity throughout the world which foster a new sprit of humanism.
Let me salute all the valiant members of SGI all over the world and wish all of you sucess and happiness as you
march forward under the inspiring leadership of Dr.Ikeda who symbolize the humanism of Gandhi, the fighting spirit of Martin Luther King (Jr.) and the reconciling spirit of Nelson Mandela.